NEW! Policy for Social Media & Online Expectations coming soon


  • Promptness is extremely important!
  • Dancers need adequate time in order to be physically and mentally prepared for the demands of the dance class.
  • It is recommended that students arrive early in order to get a drink, go to the bathroom, get warmed up and be dressed properly.
  • Students who arrive more than 10 minutes late may be asked to observe class.

IMPORTANT Dance Etiquette:

At our studios our primary goal is for your children have fun while learning dance technique and strong work ethics. We expect all dancers to show respect to themselves, each other and all instructors. You will see our instructors enforcing the following rules:

  • Be prepared for class. Proper dress code is required for all dance classes.
  • Hair must be pulled up.
  • Use bathroom prior to class.
  • Be on time.
  • Do not have frequent class absences.
  • No cell phones.
  • No gum is allowed in class.
  • Be respectful and kind to instructors, peers and staff.
  • Do not talk during class unless you are asking a question.
  • Practice safe behaviors for yourself and your classmates.
  • Be willing to try new dance material. Put positive energy into your dance class.
  • No leaning, lounging or hanging on the ballet barres. NO SITTING IN CLASS!
  • Clap at the end of class to thank the instructor.
  • If late, ask permission to join class.
  • If injured, tell instructor prior to class…work slowly & carefully or observe.
  • If ill, do not come to class.
  • If you must leave early, notify instructor prior to class.
  • When leaving the studio, students must remove dance shoes and cover-up their dance clothes or change prior to leaving. Do not go outside during cooler weather without a warm-up. It is important to control the cooling process to avoid injury. In addition, please respect your art by keeping your dance attire confined to the studio.

We believe that good dance etiquette is of equal importance to good dance technique.

Studio Rules for Dancers:

  • No running, yelling or rough playing at the dance studio.
  • Help keep your studio clean and tidy. Please throw away all trash.
  • No gossip, obscene language or inappropriate conversations are tolerated during class or around the studio.
  • No inappropriate music to be played in the halls and lobby. Earphones must be used for listening.
  • Friends and family are welcome to observe class, but must remain outside the studio.
  • No gum, food or drink of any kind (except water) is allowed inside the studio rooms.

For age 13 and up:

  • The use of alcohol and/or drugs is strictly forbidden at Loveland Dance Academy and Conservatory Dance Studio. Dancers must not be under the influence while taking class or participating in studio events.
  • As an older dancer and role model, inappropriate conversations or negative discussions are not allowed in front of younger dancers.
  • It is the dancer's responsibility to manage their time so that dance, schoolwork and other outside activities do not conflict.
  • As a member of our dance community, please be mindful about what kind of pictures and content is being posted on social media.